On Monday after lunch Mrs Marks peppered ice cream cons, ice cream, different kinds of biscuit's on the fish table. It was so cool because we got to watch Mrs Marks hit the biscuits with one of the cooking stickies.
After that Mrs Marks gave each person a ice cream cone. Then we had to wait in a line to get our ice cream on our cone but like all ways I waited until every one had finished getting the ice cream.
When Mrs Marks had finished all of us got to dip our Ice cream in to the rocks and dust biscuits and when we eat it.
I felt a different textures in my mouth with all thous different biscuits but it just keeps melting down my fingers and it made a sticky mess on my hands as well.
When it got to the end it felt nice and crunchy in side of my mouth and that was the beast crunchy, delicious, Icy cold, sticky mess, melting Ice cream comet i have ever had in my life.