On the November 23rd Friday 2012’ the year six came back from there awesome time at camp I stayed at school for 3 or 4 days with my cool teacher Mr Somerville.
I didn’t go camp because I didn’t know what time to come school so when I came the next day they were already GONE.
So I went to my teacher and said Mr S did they already go? And he said yes you missed out and they saved one seat for you but you came to late so I was like KNOW I MISSED OUT THE AWESOME TRIP TO KAWAU ISLAND:(!!
So when the bell rang all the leftover kids that didn’t go camp came into my classroom 16 and stayed in there until the camper’s that went to Kawau Island came back from there.
I really wish that I went because ` it seemed really interesting to go to. So now next year there's a camp so I am definitely going to be at that camp.
So these are the things i'm going to make sure I do before camp starts 1: school on time and with all my camp stuff that's the main thing I am going to do.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Netbook Reflection
Using the netbook has been really easy because I find it easier to use than pens and books. It is really awesome that it helps me if i'm stuck on something and it corrects my words. I also really find it easier to use for solving problems too. When I am stuck on something I sometimes take initiative for my mistakes and always try and fix up all my mistakes myself first.
For next year I would like to change one thing. I would like to have the internet work faster. I found it frustrating and annoying! I really really hate about it when this page comes up and says KILL PAGES IN CHROME. I also hate it when you have to charge your netbook every night if you take it home to use it for the next day at school. But I don’t know how we can change this problem!
Thank you Mr Burt and Mrs Burts for preparing these netbooks for everyone at Point England school I am really looking forward to intermediate next year.
Monday, November 12, 2012

Hi my name is Katrina. My new class room is room 16 and my teachers name is Mr S. He is so cool because he lets us have free time when we finish our work.
My first day in my new class was All some because we go to do art and we had to draw a library card and and write our name to use it as out library card so when we pick out a book you won't lose its place were you found it.
In the weekend I went to the CARNIVAL it was fun because all my friend’s came and picked me up to walk up town/G.I. It was fun because when we got up there the first thing I went to was the photo booth but the non funnest thing was when you had to wait in line for a very very long long time.
After a very long time I finally got to the front but they said to me just befor I was going in they said that I had to have a photo with someone not my self and I was like OMGOSH but they still told me to go and find someone to have a photo with.
So I went looking for my friend Porscha, Chloe, Quziyah, Mele, Annliz, Logan, Sione, and Desir. Finally I had found them but just before I told them they saw something more interesting so they went and ran to it can you guess what it as? It was the toffee apple they saw so i was running as fast as I could before they could even buy it or touch it.
Thank goodness they finally stopped and listened to me so I went and told them can 3 of you’s come and take a photo with me and then they said is that all you wanted to ask us and then I was like yes yes indeed.Then after we all finished our conversation 3 of them said let’s just take a photo and get it on with then I said THANK YOU ’!!
Then when we first took a photo then they all wanted to do it over and over and over and over and over again and I said narh and ran away and at the end they finally found me and asked ME but the question was still a KNOW.
After a very long time I finally got to the front but they said to me just befor I was going in they said that I had to have a photo with someone not my self and I was like OMGOSH but they still told me to go and find someone to have a photo with.
So I went looking for my friend Porscha, Chloe, Quziyah, Mele, Annliz, Logan, Sione, and Desir. Finally I had found them but just before I told them they saw something more interesting so they went and ran to it can you guess what it as? It was the toffee apple they saw so i was running as fast as I could before they could even buy it or touch it.
Thank goodness they finally stopped and listened to me so I went and told them can 3 of you’s come and take a photo with me and then they said is that all you wanted to ask us and then I was like yes yes indeed.Then after we all finished our conversation 3 of them said let’s just take a photo and get it on with then I said THANK YOU ’!!
Then when we first took a photo then they all wanted to do it over and over and over and over and over again and I said narh and ran away and at the end they finally found me and asked ME but the question was still a KNOW.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Arrrrr my teddy is !ALIVE!
Once upon a time a long, long time ago. The king of Teddy Bears told all his bears to go. He sent them into the world to live with children here. He knew they'd bring a smile and maybe wipe a tear. All seemed to work so well with love, his teddy's thrived. The children held them close while kept their race live.
But then the trouble started some teddys had no home. Their children had been taken and the teddys left alone but when the children left the teddys at home the teddys came alive. Unloved they gathered dust and shriveled up inside because the wanted there owner the be with them.
Waiting for their owners at night they often cried. The king of Teddy Bears called all his friends to arms. He needed them to help his bears keep children free from harm.
His friends wanted to help so they quickly spread the word. About the teddys big campaign to make his troubles heard. If children that were missing could be quickly found. His bears would not be left alone unloved and homeless bound.
So if you wish to help please heed the teddy's call. Visit all the sites and view, the pictures one and all.
If we can bring them home their joy will fill our ears. And help to stop the saddest sight a teddy bear in tears...
Waiting for their owners at night they often cried. The king of Teddy Bears called all his friends to arms. He needed them to help his bears keep children free from harm.
His friends wanted to help so they quickly spread the word. About the teddys big campaign to make his troubles heard. If children that were missing could be quickly found. His bears would not be left alone unloved and homeless bound.
So if you wish to help please heed the teddy's call. Visit all the sites and view, the pictures one and all.
If we can bring them home their joy will fill our ears. And help to stop the saddest sight a teddy bear in tears...
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
2 Soldiers going for a walk.
Everyday there was 2 soldiers going for a walk. They sore a little kitty cat on the road and there was a truck coming so they ran and ran and ran as fast as they could. The little kitty cat almost was flat laying on the ground but lucky the soldiers ran as fast as they could to get to the kitty cat on time to save it.
But my baby sister sore the 2 soldiers running and she ran with them to because she loves kitty cats and she didn't want to see one laying dead on the ground.
While they were running the wind got so rough they couldn't run it was very hard to run. Bad luck you know the neck minute was going to happen so they fell on the ground. So they got they decided to go for a walk on the other side of the road over there it was so quiet. People do jogging everyday and they bring there kitty cats to so there not lonely when they go for a long run.
But the next day they could not go everyday they came and had a walk with there kitty cat It was so fun. THE END. hurt by falling and wasting time to get the kitty cat.
When they got home
Thursday, October 25, 2012
My day with my friend's

On Sunday Quziyah, and Me went to my house and asked if she could sleep over my house and my mum said ok, while we were walking to the park we saw our other friends and their names were Giselle, Porscha and Me.
And when they saw us they started to run to us and Quziyah and I went were running to them to and when I got near Porscha I hopped on top of her and she carried me to the park because that's how much we missed each other.
Then after I final hopped of her we all went to play tiggy before the sun went down. I was in and by the time I got Giselle the sun was a reddy down so my mum called me and Quziyah to come in side because it started to get darker.
Then we all said our good bye's and then every one went home the END.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Spongbob Squarpant's.
a beautiful day in Jellyfish Fields and SpongeBob, Sandy, and Patrick
are out trying to catch jellyfish. Patrick and Sandy are running around
trying to catch the pink and purple creatures, but SpongeBob is standing
in one spot staring at Sandy. At one point, he tries to make it look
like he wasn't staring and starts running around, but he keeps hitting
rocks at plants so he just stops.
As Patrick runs after a jellyfish, he notices SpongeBob standing there. He walks up to the yellow Sponge and asks, "What's wrong, SpongeBob?" "I don't know, Pat," SpongeBob starts, "It's just that I've never noticed how beautiful Sandy looks." Patrick laughs and says, "Looks like someone has a crush." "Shut up!" SpongeBob says. He then shoves Patrick and laughs as Patrick hits the ground.
Sandy sees the two boys fight and walks over to them. "Hey guys. What ya'll up to?" She asks as she approaches the two. "Hey Sandy guess what. SpongeBob has a cru-" Patrick starts, but is interrupted by SpongeBob covering his mouth. "SpongeBob has a what?" Sandy asks. "I have a cru… cru… crumpled up newspaper collection."
SpongeBob says with a nervous smile and laugh. "Okay, whatever. I've got to go. Bye ya'll." Sandy says. She then wave goodbye and walks away. "Bye, Sandy." SpongeBob and Patrick say. After a while, SpongeBob and Patrick leave and go home. Later that night, SpongeBob is lying in his bed try to fall asleep. He rolls over and asks himself, "Why can't I get her out of my mind?" He lies there for a little longer and falls asleep. After a while, he begins to dream.
In the dream, SpongeBob is walking along the shores of Goo Lagoon. Sandy then walks in. She is wearing nothing but a pink bikini top and bottom and she has a yellow flower in her hair. SpongeBob walks up to her and smiles. She smiles back and grabs his hand. They then commence walking along the shoreline letting the water wash across their toes. They soon stop walking and Sandy turns to the yellow sponge.
She then kneels over and kisses him on the lips. SpongeBob Suddenly wakes up and starts breathing deeply. He lies back down and closes his eyes. The same dream pops into his head several times so he decides to stay awake.
As Patrick runs after a jellyfish, he notices SpongeBob standing there. He walks up to the yellow Sponge and asks, "What's wrong, SpongeBob?" "I don't know, Pat," SpongeBob starts, "It's just that I've never noticed how beautiful Sandy looks." Patrick laughs and says, "Looks like someone has a crush." "Shut up!" SpongeBob says. He then shoves Patrick and laughs as Patrick hits the ground.
Sandy sees the two boys fight and walks over to them. "Hey guys. What ya'll up to?" She asks as she approaches the two. "Hey Sandy guess what. SpongeBob has a cru-" Patrick starts, but is interrupted by SpongeBob covering his mouth. "SpongeBob has a what?" Sandy asks. "I have a cru… cru… crumpled up newspaper collection."
SpongeBob says with a nervous smile and laugh. "Okay, whatever. I've got to go. Bye ya'll." Sandy says. She then wave goodbye and walks away. "Bye, Sandy." SpongeBob and Patrick say. After a while, SpongeBob and Patrick leave and go home. Later that night, SpongeBob is lying in his bed try to fall asleep. He rolls over and asks himself, "Why can't I get her out of my mind?" He lies there for a little longer and falls asleep. After a while, he begins to dream.
In the dream, SpongeBob is walking along the shores of Goo Lagoon. Sandy then walks in. She is wearing nothing but a pink bikini top and bottom and she has a yellow flower in her hair. SpongeBob walks up to her and smiles. She smiles back and grabs his hand. They then commence walking along the shoreline letting the water wash across their toes. They soon stop walking and Sandy turns to the yellow sponge.
She then kneels over and kisses him on the lips. SpongeBob Suddenly wakes up and starts breathing deeply. He lies back down and closes his eyes. The same dream pops into his head several times so he decides to stay awake.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
New Zealand is going GOLD
New Zealand has won its sixth gold medal of the Olympics after Valerie Adams' rival Nadzeya Ostapchuk tested positive for drugs and was stripped of gold. So that means Valerie Adams has won New Zealand another GOLD MEDAL and puts New Zealand in 6th place isn’t that awesome?
Today we’re still coming sixth place. The country coming 1st is United States of America, China is coming 2nd, Great Britain is coming 3rd, The Russian Federation is coming 4th, South Korea is coming 5th, and New Zealand is coming 6th. At least were coming some place and not last so yeah thank you Valerie Adams you rock for putting New Zealand is 6th place!!!
When Kiwi shot-put champion Valerie Adams won the gold medal at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, she looked skyward in memory of her mother, Lilika, who had died when she was a teenager. By that stage, the six-foot-four (1.93m) Rotorua-born Adams was already a veteran New Zealand athlete and ranked second in the world.
Valerie Adams would go on to become the reigning Olympic, World and Commonwealth shot-put champions, and New Zealand’s foremost sportsperson - winning gold at the 2006 and 2010 Commonwealth Games, 2008 Beijing Olympics (the country’s second gold in track and field since 1976), scoring an unbeaten 25 consecutive victories at the IAAF World Championships and breaking a slew of world records.
Today we’re still coming sixth place. The country coming 1st is United States of America, China is coming 2nd, Great Britain is coming 3rd, The Russian Federation is coming 4th, South Korea is coming 5th, and New Zealand is coming 6th. At least were coming some place and not last so yeah thank you Valerie Adams you rock for putting New Zealand is 6th place!!!
When Kiwi shot-put champion Valerie Adams won the gold medal at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, she looked skyward in memory of her mother, Lilika, who had died when she was a teenager. By that stage, the six-foot-four (1.93m) Rotorua-born Adams was already a veteran New Zealand athlete and ranked second in the world.
Valerie Adams would go on to become the reigning Olympic, World and Commonwealth shot-put champions, and New Zealand’s foremost sportsperson - winning gold at the 2006 and 2010 Commonwealth Games, 2008 Beijing Olympics (the country’s second gold in track and field since 1976), scoring an unbeaten 25 consecutive victories at the IAAF World Championships and breaking a slew of world records.
My Tennis Voice Over
Tennis is an olympic event played with a racket and a small ball called a tennis ball. Competitors always are play on a court with a net in the middle. Tennis was invented in Europe and in the year of 1873.
The Big Sneeze!!!
AAACHOO!! Oh not again I made a BIG hole in my Brother’s bedroom wall and this time it went all the way through to my little sisters room!!! I’m in Big trouble as you can see.
My mum says to me that she will never come next to me when i’m sick she says that I have a disease and that my little sister might catch it but I just say whatever don’t lie. you just don’t want me next to her because she love’s me more than you HuH.
AAAACHOOOOO!! Oh no I blew my little puppy text all the way to Canada. My Mum, Brother, and sister were waiting for text to hurry up and come home for a feed. They waited from 2:30 all the way to 3:00 in the afternoon. The dog Text finally came back home and when he returned AACHOO!!! Oh darn it looks like hes going for another trip again.
My mum says to me that she will never come next to me when i’m sick she says that I have a disease and that my little sister might catch it but I just say whatever don’t lie. you just don’t want me next to her because she love’s me more than you HuH.
AAAACHOOOOO!! Oh no I blew my little puppy text all the way to Canada. My Mum, Brother, and sister were waiting for text to hurry up and come home for a feed. They waited from 2:30 all the way to 3:00 in the afternoon. The dog Text finally came back home and when he returned AACHOO!!! Oh darn it looks like hes going for another trip again.
Monday, July 23, 2012
My Dream Holiday''
My dream holiday is to got to dreamland, Australia, wild water world to go and see my uncle and to take him on a relay relay long break because he has worked really hard since i was born. want to take him to go and play netball when i took him there and he was shocked he didn't even know that we were coming here and i said how Cares nobody will notice that there is only one boy there with lots and lots of girls.
After all that has finished we went to the movies and watched the poss in boast it was so cool i never watched something like that in my (LIFE). Well when the movie finished we went home and had so ice cream and then we just fell asleep really fast so then in the afternoon we watched the sunset go down when its Nelly half way down we went back inside and had a big rest for the next day which I can’t waite for.
After all that has finished we went to the movies and watched the poss in boast it was so cool i never watched something like that in my (LIFE). Well when the movie finished we went home and had so ice cream and then we just fell asleep really fast so then in the afternoon we watched the sunset go down when its Nelly half way down we went back inside and had a big rest for the next day which I can’t waite for.
!My Grate Holiday!
After that my mother took me and my two big and little sisters out for dinner we had happy days with my Father, Mother, and my two sisters. Until it was time to go I went to the toilet to go and (VOMIT) which was very gross. After what happened we all went to see my Aunty and cousins there names were Hana, Emily, and Paige.
So after I did that horrible thing we went to my house and went into my room and because my cousin Paige asked to me if she could use my
declaration I said know because I had just got it from my mum. So when I didn’t let her use it she went and asked my dad so I had to let her use it when it was just brand new. After she had finished using it she didn’t even clean her mess up her sister Emily had to.
I think she didn't put her things away because she never cleans her mess up at her house and I know because when I sleep over her house there's always a mess and how I know it’s her’s is because she loves to play with lots and lots of toy’s mostly every day any day and any time.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
This picture was by picasso who died a long long time ago. I hope you really like all his painting because I no I do thats why I did one to show you's how it's done and thats all I want to say to everyone who is reading this. I hope you enjoy my painting I drew just to show you's By Katrina.
Immersion Assemble!!
Walking out the class door waiting for our teacher to come out side and when he did come out we all started to stand in a straight line. Once Mr Somerville had locked the door everyone started to walk and as we walked through the hall door everyone sore Mr Jacobson in this security soot with a fake gun it looked so funny to the little kids because I saw and herd them all laughing and so was I.
So after that we sat down and on the blue and white line to wait for Mr Jacobson turned the music down so he could talk to everyone on the microphone because his voice is not that louder than mine. Well when we all quieted down he started to talk and the first three words that came out of is little mouth was Go For Gold Olympic. My favorite part was team 3 with Mrs twella's act she was the Olympic running girl for 2012 well that is me for the day.
But if you wan't to check it out then click this link http://www.olympic.org/london-2012-summer-olympics by.
So after that we sat down and on the blue and white line to wait for Mr Jacobson turned the music down so he could talk to everyone on the microphone because his voice is not that louder than mine. Well when we all quieted down he started to talk and the first three words that came out of is little mouth was Go For Gold Olympic. My favorite part was team 3 with Mrs twella's act she was the Olympic running girl for 2012 well that is me for the day.
But if you wan't to check it out then click this link http://www.olympic.org/london-2012-summer-olympics by.
Friday, June 29, 2012
My Picasso
This is my Picasso pitcher I drew on Hyper Studio when you have seen this can you please leave some feed backs thanks.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
My picture I like!
This is my favorite piece of Art that Anthony drew. I like this piece of art because it has lots of detail that makes it look like art that's why I chose it. One more thing I like about it was some of the colors were my favorite and plus it was so colorful.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
My Swimming Animation
Here is my movie that I made of us swimming at the Glenn Innes Aquatic Centre. Please comment with your feedback!
Monday, June 11, 2012
My Mums Birthday
On Saturday it was my mom's Birthday she was turning 28. Well when she had woken up we all surprised her with some delicious breakfast. We took her to McDonald's. She wasn't that happy because she wants to see her brother in jail but it was too far to go and see him. It is all the way up North. My mum said never mind I'm grateful for what I have right here. So she just ate hot cakes for her breakfast. When we had finished my mum said she wanted to send something over for my aunt for her birthday too. She was the same age as my mum but my mum said she is the older girl in the whole family except her mom she was 42 years old. Anyways, we sent a present over for my Aunt over in Australia. She is the one who lives the farthest in our family and she is my favorite Aunt ever!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Aussie rules
On Monday last week room 17 and room 16 had Aussie Rules. We all had to meet up on the netball court after the lunch bell rings. Even the teachers did too because they had to come and play with us as well and everyone had to sit down on the bench or the concrete and listen to the instructors.
They said to hold an ice cream cone and squish it with one hand and hold a ball in the other hand and scoop up the ice cream into the ice cream cone. But the ice cream and the cone were not real they just told everyone so it could help them because it was really your hand going to hit the ball out of the other hand.
On Monday last week room 17 and room 16 had Aussie Rules. We all had to meet up on the netball court after the lunch bell rings. Even the teachers did too because they had to come and play with us as well and everyone had to sit down on the bench or the concrete and listen to the instructors.
They said to hold an ice cream cone and squish it with one hand and hold a ball in the other hand and scoop up the ice cream into the ice cream cone. But the ice cream and the cone were not real they just told everyone so it could help them because it was really your hand going to hit the ball out of the other hand.
When they told everyone on the instructions each person had to find a group of 2’s, 3’s, or 4’s. My partner was Ashlee. She is really fun to be partners with because Ashlee and I were close to the school office. It was my turn to hit the ball to her and I hit it really high and it bounced on the roof and I waited for a while but it ended up stuck on the roof! So Ashlee and I told Anita because she was the one who was instructing everyone and she said it’s all right. So she got one of the boys to climb up on the roof to get the ball but when he had came down it was time to go.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
On Monday Room 16 went to the Glen Innes pools to learn how to swim. On the first day we all went swimming you had to bring your tog’s and a towel to go swimming.
After lunch we had to grab our bags and sit on the mat until Mr Somerville told everyone to go and line up outside. After he had locked the door everyone began to walk and as we got halfway to the pools this piece of rubbish came by my leg as I was walking I began to kick it all the way to the pools.
When we got to the pools we walked inside and then everyone started to run to the changing rooms to get dressed. When I went into the changing rooms mostly everyone was dressed but me because I had lots of things to take off and then to put on my togs. Well when I had came out you had to sit on the bench and wait for the other kids to come out of the pool.
If you get the number 1 that means you need help, the number 2 means you're getting there and 3 means you're a good swimmer. I hope I get to learn how to swim as good as the teacher who is teaching me!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Ben Carson
When we got there we waited out side the Event Center for a little wile and then a man came out side and took us in to the Events Center. It was cool because lots of people in Pointengland school including me got to see our old schools. I saw my old school it name was Otahuhu primary school when you go there you get to wear non uniform that was my favorite school ever.
When we got in the Events Center I went way up top and sat down but there are these sets and they are so cool because when you walk up to the set you have to pull the set down to sit. Anyway when Ben Carson came up to the stage he introduced him self. Then he told us all about his child hood when he was young. After he told everyone about his mother when she was looking after Ben when he was so young and when he was a little kid.
When he had finished talking about him and his mother he told us all about !reading! he said Reading is good to read and if you read a lot you will be brainy and you will be as good when you grow up. When Ben Carson had finished we walked out of the Events Center and these people gave everyone an up & go drink and a fresh clean, yummy, Josey apple. We had to eat it when we got back to school but no one did eat it when we got back to school they eat it when they walked out of the Events Center. I had a very grate time at the Event Center it was so good to make new friends right away.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Picasa Faces
1. Sometime at school I feel happy when I'm with my friends.
2. Sometime at school I feel existed when we go on school trips.
3. Sometime at school I feel bored when nobody plays with me.
4. Sometime at school I feel cool when i hang around people.
5. Sometime at school I feel like giggling when my friends make me laugh.
2. Sometime at school I feel existed when we go on school trips.
3. Sometime at school I feel bored when nobody plays with me.
4. Sometime at school I feel cool when i hang around people.
5. Sometime at school I feel like giggling when my friends make me laugh.
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