When we got there we waited out side the Event Center for a little wile and then a man came out side and took us in to the Events Center. It was cool because lots of people in Pointengland school including me got to see our old schools. I saw my old school it name was Otahuhu primary school when you go there you get to wear non uniform that was my favorite school ever.
When we got in the Events Center I went way up top and sat down but there are these sets and they are so cool because when you walk up to the set you have to pull the set down to sit. Anyway when Ben Carson came up to the stage he introduced him self. Then he told us all about his child hood when he was young. After he told everyone about his mother when she was looking after Ben when he was so young and when he was a little kid.
When he had finished talking about him and his mother he told us all about !reading! he said Reading is good to read and if you read a lot you will be brainy and you will be as good when you grow up. When Ben Carson had finished we walked out of the Events Center and these people gave everyone an up & go drink and a fresh clean, yummy, Josey apple. We had to eat it when we got back to school but no one did eat it when we got back to school they eat it when they walked out of the Events Center. I had a very grate time at the Event Center it was so good to make new friends right away.
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